Billeterie en ligne
Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of LEJAULT François

FRANCE, 2001, 00:07:04

Production : C un point A, CLIMAX Production
Genre : Video dance
Keyword : Allegory, Body, Dream

Summary :
The film is based on an amazing event, the theft of a sperm whale. The global network ventures to build the end of humanity in a macabre dance to the rhythm of the slow beat of a sperm whale's dorsal fin. Tirana LUNG is conducting research on the cetaceans and tries to communicate with them through a digital man/sperm whale model, which includes an artificial language based on tactile sensations and a choreographic lexicon.

puce to print

Original language : _wordless
Original format : video
Aspect ratio : 4/3
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Sans paroles.

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