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8:00 p.m, Auditorium Palais des beaux arts, Lille

Our Chinese years

By Olivier Horn and Joris Zylberman
(France, 2012, 52 min, color)

Screening in the presence of the director,
program proposed by the
INA Nord.

For nearly 50 years, and the recognition of Communist China by De Gaulle, the Franco-Chinese relations would be based on a privileged friendship between the two countries. And yet, since this vast country began to open up to the world, France passed in one generation from 2nd to 13th rank of its economic and trading partners.Would this special link be just a myth?
«Our Chinese years» revisits this relationship through edifying archives, rarely seen, and singular trajectories of those who, on French and Chinese sides, write its history every day.

Free admission
Reservation by e-mail only :

Auditorium, 18 street of Valmy, Lille


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