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MusicVideoArt + Joy Division - day1


Screenings - 8:00 am - Museum of Beaux-Arts - Lille
Event around music and image

1st Part of the selection of musical creative videos from the call for project 2014

> "Consolation for the Poor" Anatol Tadorski | 2013 | 2'26 | Biélorussie
> "LazerWistle" Alain Miqueu aka Miké Huéon | 2011 | 2'00 | France
> "Frankie" Rick Niebe | 2012 | 5'11 | Italie
> "FWSS2666" Ben Elliot | 2014 |1'24 | France
> "Qoso - ardmore" Kevin El Amrani/Charlie Janiaut aka qoso | 2014 | 4'01 | France
> "Plastic Flowers" Po-Wei Su | 2014 | 3'00 | Taiwan
> "The Austrasian Goat - Arrheton" Fabien Rennet | 2012 | 4'23 | France
> "The Flight for freedom" Anatol Tadorski / Uladzislau Buben | 2014 | 2'56 | Biélorussie
> "Instable" Cris Ubermann | 2011 | 3'40 | France
> "Adam" Loridan | 2014 | 2'00 | Belgique
> "GENETICS" Julien Lefer 2014 | 5' | France
> "Memento Mori" Antony Jacob | 2014 | 00'30" | France
> "Song 22" Céline Trouillet | 2014 | 4'40 | France
> "Il ne s'agit pas" Samuel Bester | 2014 | 4'10 | France
> "XIU-XIU : Cinthyas Unisex" Florent Texier | 2014 | 4'22 | France
> "Speech 1" Francesc Marti | 2014 | 5'53 | Espagne
> "Lets have no more nights" VITA | 2014 | 2'43 | France
> "Negativ Nein" Philippe Prouff | 2009 | 5'27| France
> "Flowing to blue" . Worlds Within Karl F. Stewart | 2013 | 5'53 | Allemagne
> "Kill the pig" Josué Bernabé | 2014 | 4'37 | Espagne
> "My body is a sound" DENYS | 2013 | 1'18 | France
> "In the Cave (of Technology)" Alessandro Amaducci | 2014 | 5'38 | Italie
> "Deserved Allure" H. C. Turk | 2014 | 1' | SA
> "Whitenoise" Francesca Fini | 2013 | 6' | Italie
> "Or" Nicolas Lelièvre | 2011| 4'4 |3 France
> "Strong" Juliette Mauduit | 2014 | 5'49 | Belgique
> "The Awakening" Xavier Ameller / Ghislain De Vaux | 2012 | 4'40 | France

- "Joy Division" a documentary of Grant Gee

UK - 2007 - 1h33

Joy Division is a 2007 British documentary film on the British post-punk band Joy Division, directed by Grant Gee.

The film assembles TV clips, newsreel, pictures of modern Manchester and Manchester in the late 1970s, and interviews. The interviewees include the three surviving members of the group, Tony Wilson, Peter Saville, Pete Shelley (of Buzzcocks), Genesis Breyer P-Orridge (of Throbbing Gristle), Alan Hempsall (of Crispy Ambulance), Paul Morley, Terry Mason, Richard Boon, Anton Corbijn, and Belgian journalist Annik Honoré, with whom Curtis was having an affair.

source : wikipedia


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