Billeterie en ligne
Escartin Lluis

Escartin Lluis

born in 1966

filmmaker, photographer, producer, director

Born in Barcelona,1966. Wandering photographer and poet of cinema, founder of the Armadillo Productions in New York, curator of celluloid and photographs of the rainforest xiapaneca and therefore UFO festival director in Barcelona, ​​among many other things it is in all its incarnations, an observer of the world with a poetic compromise.
His biography could be measured in kilometers, so we wanted into account the feeling of an artist concerned and curious to discover places, people and what is more important itself. This is not an isolated case that his first photographic exhibition has been named "Perpetual Movement".
When, by chance, he worked with Jonas Mekas, he swapped the camera for a video camera, camera in hand and he decided to travel through deserts, forests and other desolate places.


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