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of GOLDER Gabriela

CHILE, 2023, 00:29:00

Production : GOLDER Gabriela
Genre : Video art
Keyword : Society, Violence, Allegory, activism

Summary :
BROKEN EYES is born from the shock of the tragic events that have taken place in Chile and Colombia from October 2019. A social and political crisis that has left more than 700 people with eye injuries due to pellets shot by the police during the protests. The police aim directly for the heads. It is not only in Chile. It is not only in Colombia. It is also in Palestine, France, Hong Kong, Brazil, Lebanon, Kashmir.<br /><br />BROKEN EYES wonders about right before that moment of mutilation and what remains after the tragedy. It wonders about violence, about the action of tear out the eyes, the absence of the gaze, invisibility, blindness. But also intends to keep memories, collecting the remains, the traces, the images of those gazes on the brink of disappearance.<br /><br />BROKEN EYES is built from various sources: archive images, testimonies of victims of mutilation, performance, texts collected from slogans chanted in popular demonstrations in different regions of the world, military and scientific texts. Everything is extinguished. But the eyes insist, they recover the spaces, the bodies, the eyes return, they are restituted. Is it possible to restore the gaze? Is it possible for the eyes to take their place again? Is it possible for them to revolt and do justice?<br /><br />BROKEN EYES is part of the constellation of works in the project Arrancar los ojos.

puce to print

Original language : spanish
Technical information : Produced by the Han Nefkens Foundation, Barcelona with the support of: Sharjah Biennial - Fragmentos, Espacio de Arte y memoria - Bienalsur Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero
Original format : HD Video
Aspect ratio : HD – 1920X1080
Chroma : Noir&Blanc
Available version(s) : Version originale espagnole sous-titrée anglais

rental : 100 euros

puce order (temporary disposal of copys)

Rental and sales of copies of the catalog are intended primarily for professionals (to cultural, educational stuctures and other associations), for more information read the section ordering