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Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of LACMANOVIC Valentina

NETHERLANDS, 2019, 00:07:28

Production : LE CNAM
Genre : Filmed action, Video art
Keyword : action, Performance

Summary :
ARMILLAE#5 is part of a 6 channel video performance "Armillae" by Valentina Lacmanović, commissioned by "Musée des Arts et Métiers" Le CNAM, Paris for the hall containing the permanent collection of Scientific Instruments in the Museum.
It was presented during FIAC 2019 (International Fair of Contemporary Art) with prolongation till 27 October 2019.

ARMILLAE (lat. bracelets, circles) is a video-performance constructed around the “armillary sphere”, a site specific immersive project created “sur mesure” for the permanent exhibition of scientific instruments on the second floor of the ‘Musée des Arts et Métiers’.
As a six channel installation, ARMILLAE created an immersive and haunting atmosphere, shifting the perception of the space and time - in dialogue with objects dating as of 17th century. Projected on the wooden walls, floor and ceiling, the artwork was engaged with the architecture, blurring the boundary between the projected fiction and the reality of the visitor's surroundings

In repositioning the body to the center of the spheric space, marked by the movement of the planets and stars within the galaxy, the artist creates shadows that become reality, questioning our capacity to differentiate between what is real and what is fake - the source and… its shadow.
Just as if we entered Plato’s cave, each one of us becomes a center of our own galaxy, weaving our reality with reflections of our subjective perceptions.
In times of post-truth, reconnecting with the allegory of the cave echoes the importance of the comment rather than the accuracy of the information in a poetic way, immersing the spectator into a dance with elements and motion of our universe.

puce to print

Original language : _wordless
Technical information : Soundtrack: Ranko Šajfar - Second camera: Amir Grabus
Original format : HD Video
Aspect ratio : HD – 1920X1080
Chroma : Couleur - Noir&Blanc
Available version(s) : Sans paroles

rental : 50 euros

Sale : 60 euros

Sale : 70 euros

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puce order (Sale to corporate with permission to loan the copy)

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