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of SAPIN Véronique

FRANCE, 2024, 00:01:12

Production : SAPIN Véronique
Genre : Video art
Keyword : Allegory, Experimental

Summary :
Concept: In the image, fingers emerge in close-up from a blurred movement, moving towards the mouth of a dog (wolf?) showing its teeth. The fingers pass over the teeth once, then a second time. The image freezes with the fingers on the teeth.<br /><br />Statement:<br />The threat of the wolf served as a means for parents to discipline and control their children. By evoking the possibility of being abducted or devoured by the wolf, parents could dissuade children from engaging in undesirable behavior. The wolf symbolized the dangers of the outside world, the importance of obedience and the consequences of breaking rules. Stories about the wolf could also strengthen group cohesion, creating a sense of community and sharing a common fear. By scaring their children with the wolf, parents transmitted their own fears of the world and of external dangers. The image of wolf's teeth is symbolically associated with the video's title "There is no god without a human being": The association of wolf's teeth with the power of God is a recurring theme in mythologies and cultures around the world. This association derives from several symbolic attributes and interpretations of wolf's teeth and divine nature. The wolf's sharp teeth and powerful jaw evoke its ferocious, savage nature. This savagery can symbolize the fearsome and ruthless aspect of divine power, capable of punishing and chastising those who transgress its laws.<br /><br />If we assume that there is no higher deity to direct our destiny, then the responsibility for forging our own ethical path and shaping our future lies entirely with us. The fact that the fingers in the image show no fear or hesitation, suggests a reading where the fear of the wolf like that of the gods, when tamed, leaves us free to forge our own value system.

puce to print

Original language : french
Original format : HD Video
Aspect ratio : HD – 1920X1080
Chroma : Noir&Blanc
Available version(s) : Version originale française et version anglaise

rental : 40 euros

Sale : 50 euros

Sale : 60 euros

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