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Online videos were digitized with the support of the Regional Council of
Nord / Pas-de-Calais and digitization plans 2009 and 2010 of the french Ministry of Culture.


of SAPIN Véronique

FRANCE, 2020, 00:02:35

Production : SAPIN Véronique
Genre : Video art
Keyword : Vision, Allegory, Woman, Mondialisation

Summary :
<p>The image appears at the center of the screen in a narrow frame like a portrait picture.</p>
<p>There is a new kind of Red Riding Hood in front of a red oil tanker. What are they doing ? The human being doesn't easily accept to be just one normal person among others. Nevertheless, it spends a large part of its life to imagine it is the hero of its destiny.<br />Its first combat is dedicated against suffering, its own suffering; the second combat is for the body happiness, its beauty and its longevity. Eat, drink, sleep and move became voluntary actions driven by the mental and the physical welfare. The third fight of the daily hero is the writting of the script of him/her life in which he will play the hero, of course. And its last fight, the ultimate freedom, will be to believe in the hero of the movie it directed.<br /><br />Now, who is the real hero of our time ? The one on which everyone depends, the one for whom countries can go to war, the one who tarnsports the necessary energy for the smooth running of our soci&eacute;ties. The oil tanker is the one on which our Western way of life depends.<br /><br />The video combines the two heroes of everyday ife in a derisory confrontation.</p>

puce to print

Original language : _wordless
Original format : HD Video
Aspect ratio : HD – 1920X1080
Chroma : Couleur
Available version(s) : Muet

rental : 40 euros

Sale : 50 euros

Sale : 60 euros

puce order (temporary disposal of copys)

order (sale to corporate without loan of the copy)

puce order (Sale to corporate with permission to loan the copy)

Rental and sales of copies of the catalog are intended primarily for professionals (to cultural, educational stuctures and other associations), for more information read the section ordering